"blue willow, cinnamon apples and disk cameras"...christmas memories...
Christmas Memories #15--
Blue Willow tableware and cinnamon apple slices...
Most years we would be in Eastern Kansas for Christmas Eve and leave my
Great Aunt's house shortly after breakfast and opening stockings to
head to SW Missouri to visit my Grandpa McClimans and Grandma Wanda. I
always looked forward to this visit because my aunt, Karen, is only a
couple of years older than I am, and she had brothers close to my age
Grandma Wanda always served Christmas dinner on her Blue
Willow tableware. She was a great cook, always going all-out with the
fixings and sides. The one thing I remember her ALWAYS serving with
dinner was cinnamon apple rings and that was the only time of the year I
would have them, and she was the only person who ever served them.
One of the many memories I have of spending Christmas with them is the
year we all (Karen, James, and I) got our own Kodak Disk cameras. Mine was actually the "LeClic" pictured below...it was better than the Kodak because it was pink, purple and teal! We
thought we were the coolest kids in the world with those cameras! They
were cutting edge!

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