first week of school...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." --Albert Einstein

first week of school has passed successfully. i am enjoying my job and co-workers, and excited about the possibilities of getting a "promotion" within my team. as silly as it sounds to some, i go into the empty classroom where a new class will be placed once hiring has been done. i look around and imagine myself in there as the teacher. i imagine where my desk will be, where the children will sit, and how my room will be decorated and arranged. i visualize the children coming in and learning and having wonderful, successful days.

as much as i want to have my own classroom, i still can't help but miss spending time with my little one. in less than 2 short weeks, he will be turning 2. so i have decided that saturday is now my favorite day of the week because we can hang out and snuggle all day if we want to! he's growing so quickly and i don't want his childhood to flash before my eyes and wake up tomorrow with him in high school. (it feels like that's what happened with my a sophomore in high school.) i know all too well that these days are quickly going to be gone, so the pauses for snuggles, the handprints on the tv, and even the marker "art" on the walls are all highlights of the time we have while he is still little.

i am happy, at peace and have amazing hope for the future. life is good. i am blessed with so many things of which i am grateful, and i am enjoying living in abundance. "i know the plans i have for you...plans to give you a hope and a future..." i can only imagine!!!

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