it's been awhile, ya think?
so, i've been on a blogging hiatus for about a year and a half...i feel like i've been running a sprint in a marathon in the past 18 months or so.
injuries, surgeries, stitches, casts, hospitalizations...that took up some of the time.
new middle school, high school graduation, vpk, a move to a new town...took up some of the rest.
i finished my acp (alternative certification program) and am now a full-fledged, florida no-longer-termporarily-but-fully-certified's about time, after 20 years in education!
i lost a business, restarted a business, started a new business, taught full-time, helped with a pilot program for summertime for ESOL students entering kindergarten.
i've made some amazing new friends, parted ways with some others, and lost a few to heaven.
i've found out that i have thyroid issues, have gained weight, and have learned a lot about hypothyroidism.
and i realize how truly blessed i am. i have an amazing family with a husband of almost 21 years, three great kids, a job i love, two businesses with fantastic potential, and my future's so bright i have to wear shades!
so here i am. hoping to continue the fun of living off the beaten path. i'm having a busy summer and have lots of projects on which i've been procrastinating. stick around and check it out to see how much i actually get accomplished!
cicero road
life begins just off the beaten path...
"Overachievement is aimed at people who want to maximize their potential."
i find myself often annoyed by people who like to think of themselves as "overachievers," but they are truly not performing above the potential of their ability, and they are not performing better than expected...they just like to "look" like they are. i think many people who think of themselves as overachievers are mislabeling themselves (and possibly are being mislabeled by others), when really they're just show-offs.
overachievers follow through and usually do things to challenge themselves, not to try make others look bad. overachievers go over and above what's expected, and actually do it, not just come up with great ideas they never accomplish. anyone can come up with a good idea, anyone can follow through and see it to completion. an overachiever will see it to completion and be phenomenal about it.
if you start with a gem and do nothing besides mount it nicely on a ring or a necklace, it still looks like a gem, just in a nice setting. if you start with a piece of coal and end with a diamond, well now, that's something...that's overachieving! take your gems and show them off and gloat about how pretty they are. i'll gladly take my coal and work as hard as i can to make it turn into diamonds. when you use a scale of 1-10 and show how much has changed, i guarantee my coal will have moved on the scale, from beginning to end, higher than your gems every time. a gem is a gem, is a gem...only coal can be turned into a diamond!
i think it's time to bring back my "overachiever diva"...she's been preoccupied and it's time for the leave of absence to come to an end.
my word for 2013 is "success"...i am determined to make it happen in every facet of my life...
[oh-ver-uh-cheev] Show IPA
verb (used without object), o·ver·a·chieved, o·ver·a·chiev·ing.
to perform, especially academically, above the potential indicated by tests of one's mental ability or aptitude.
to perform better or achieve more than expected, especially by others.
i find myself often annoyed by people who like to think of themselves as "overachievers," but they are truly not performing above the potential of their ability, and they are not performing better than expected...they just like to "look" like they are. i think many people who think of themselves as overachievers are mislabeling themselves (and possibly are being mislabeled by others), when really they're just show-offs.
overachievers follow through and usually do things to challenge themselves, not to try make others look bad. overachievers go over and above what's expected, and actually do it, not just come up with great ideas they never accomplish. anyone can come up with a good idea, anyone can follow through and see it to completion. an overachiever will see it to completion and be phenomenal about it.
if you start with a gem and do nothing besides mount it nicely on a ring or a necklace, it still looks like a gem, just in a nice setting. if you start with a piece of coal and end with a diamond, well now, that's something...that's overachieving! take your gems and show them off and gloat about how pretty they are. i'll gladly take my coal and work as hard as i can to make it turn into diamonds. when you use a scale of 1-10 and show how much has changed, i guarantee my coal will have moved on the scale, from beginning to end, higher than your gems every time. a gem is a gem, is a gem...only coal can be turned into a diamond!
i think it's time to bring back my "overachiever diva"...she's been preoccupied and it's time for the leave of absence to come to an end.
my word for 2013 is "success"...i am determined to make it happen in every facet of my life...
"blue willow, cinnamon apples and disk cameras" memories...
Christmas Memories #15--
Blue Willow tableware and cinnamon apple slices...
Most years we would be in Eastern Kansas for Christmas Eve and leave my
Great Aunt's house shortly after breakfast and opening stockings to
head to SW Missouri to visit my Grandpa McClimans and Grandma Wanda. I
always looked forward to this visit because my aunt, Karen, is only a
couple of years older than I am, and she had brothers close to my age
Grandma Wanda always served Christmas dinner on her Blue
Willow tableware. She was a great cook, always going all-out with the
fixings and sides. The one thing I remember her ALWAYS serving with
dinner was cinnamon apple rings and that was the only time of the year I
would have them, and she was the only person who ever served them.
One of the many memories I have of spending Christmas with them is the
year we all (Karen, James, and I) got our own Kodak Disk cameras. Mine was actually the "LeClic" pictured was better than the Kodak because it was pink, purple and teal! We
thought we were the coolest kids in the world with those cameras! They
were cutting edge!
"childhood comfort, stories of Jesus" memories...
Christmas Memories #14--(or not-so-Christmas)
(this was what was on my mind as I heard the news of the Connecticut shooting, I was reminded of how I coped, as a small child, with the loss of the sisters I barely even knew but the effects of their loss followed me throughout my childhood...)
My favorite song as a little I dealt with life's dramas (and there were plenty), I would sing this song and picture myself standing by His knee and listening to Him and in my mind, "fancy His blessing resting on me" was picturing His arm wrapped around my shoulders...
"Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear;
Things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here;
Scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea,
Stories of Jesus, tell them to me.
First let me hear how the children stood round His knee,
And I shall fancy His blessing resting on me;
Words full of kindness, deeds full of grace,
All in the love light of Jesus’ face."
(this was what was on my mind as I heard the news of the Connecticut shooting, I was reminded of how I coped, as a small child, with the loss of the sisters I barely even knew but the effects of their loss followed me throughout my childhood...)
My favorite song as a little I dealt with life's dramas (and there were plenty), I would sing this song and picture myself standing by His knee and listening to Him and in my mind, "fancy His blessing resting on me" was picturing His arm wrapped around my shoulders...
"Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hear;
Things I would ask Him to tell me if He were here;
Scenes by the wayside, tales of the sea,
Stories of Jesus, tell them to me.
First let me hear how the children stood round His knee,
And I shall fancy His blessing resting on me;
Words full of kindness, deeds full of grace,
All in the love light of Jesus’ face."
"water, water, everywhere...makes a great ice rink!" memories...
Christmas Memories #13--
The year we had a water leak (that had to wait until Spring to get fixed) that froze into a HUGE ice skating arena in our back yard...I had SO much fun wearing my ice skates in my own back yard!
Our house had a water leak that couldn't be fixed easily, so we had to wait until Spring (when it warmed up and the ground wasn't frozen to fix it). That was the best thing ever in a little kid's eyes! I "skated" around on that ice before Christmas...when I came home with those skates, I really got to skate on it! I always loved watching the figure skaters (Dorothy Hamill was my idol when I was little...I even sported a "Dorothy Hamill Haircut" for awhile!!!) on television and wished I could be one when I grew up. For one winter, I got to skate to my heart's content, and in my mind at least, I was a world-class figure skater...the cold wind blowing on my face as I soared across the ice in my back yard!
The year we had a water leak (that had to wait until Spring to get fixed) that froze into a HUGE ice skating arena in our back yard...I had SO much fun wearing my ice skates in my own back yard!
Our house had a water leak that couldn't be fixed easily, so we had to wait until Spring (when it warmed up and the ground wasn't frozen to fix it). That was the best thing ever in a little kid's eyes! I "skated" around on that ice before Christmas...when I came home with those skates, I really got to skate on it! I always loved watching the figure skaters (Dorothy Hamill was my idol when I was little...I even sported a "Dorothy Hamill Haircut" for awhile!!!) on television and wished I could be one when I grew up. For one winter, I got to skate to my heart's content, and in my mind at least, I was a world-class figure skater...the cold wind blowing on my face as I soared across the ice in my back yard!
"crazy cards" memories...
Christmas Memories #12--
Thad's first Christmas...he was only 3 1/2 months old, so he was mostly smiling and super cute, but not doing much else yet. I actually got Nick and Elisabeth to cooperate with each other so I could take some fun pictures of them "wrapping" him up with paper and ribbons. Those were the best Christmas cards our family ever made!
Thad's first Christmas...he was only 3 1/2 months old, so he was mostly smiling and super cute, but not doing much else yet. I actually got Nick and Elisabeth to cooperate with each other so I could take some fun pictures of them "wrapping" him up with paper and ribbons. Those were the best Christmas cards our family ever made!
"was grandaddy nuts?" memories...
Christmas Memories #11--
My Grandpa Frame had a huge black walnut tree in his yard. Every year he would gather up all of the walnuts in grapefruit bags (plastic mesh) and store them in the basement. On cold winter evenings, he would bring up a bag and pull out his giant nut cracker (it was this huge gear with a handle mounted to a board) and he would work on them for several hours at a time. (He di
My Grandpa Frame had a huge black walnut tree in his yard. Every year he would gather up all of the walnuts in grapefruit bags (plastic mesh) and store them in the basement. On cold winter evenings, he would bring up a bag and pull out his giant nut cracker (it was this huge gear with a handle mounted to a board) and he would work on them for several hours at a time. (He di
d this with bags of mixed nuts and pecans too.)
As an adult, I always buy a bag of mixed nuts to keep in the old aluminum, grape embossed bowl I got from Grandma, and love to crack a few open every takes me back to Grandma's big dining room, watching Granddad shelling nuts! (Grandma would always be sewing or working on something too.)
As an adult, I always buy a bag of mixed nuts to keep in the old aluminum, grape embossed bowl I got from Grandma, and love to crack a few open every takes me back to Grandma's big dining room, watching Granddad shelling nuts! (Grandma would always be sewing or working on something too.)
"baby girl's visitors and kitty love" memories...
Christmas Memories #10--
Elisabeth's 1st Christmas...
The best thing was that we were visited by grandparents from Kansas and California that "season" to meet our sweet girl. Also, I loved how our kitty, Tigger, always loved to snuggle up to her. She would grab his fur by the handful and he'd just lie next to her and let her "pet" him. I loved all of the super cute girl clothes I could buy too!!!
"Somewhere" I have digital pictures saved from this year...I'll have to dig these up too!
Elisabeth's 1st Christmas...
The best thing was that we were visited by grandparents from Kansas and California that "season" to meet our sweet girl. Also, I loved how our kitty, Tigger, always loved to snuggle up to her. She would grab his fur by the handful and he'd just lie next to her and let her "pet" him. I loved all of the super cute girl clothes I could buy too!!!
"Somewhere" I have digital pictures saved from this year...I'll have to dig these up too!
"a snoopy watch and a transistor radio" memories...
Christmas Memories #9--
I was either 5 or 6 years old and I spent Christmas with my dad and his girlfriend's family in Chicago. I remember seeing the tall buildings and thinking it was like a city from the future. I got to go sledding a LOT because they had quite a bit of snow! I got a Snoopy watch and a little AM/FM battery operated transistor radio for Christmas, along with an afghan made by his girlfriend's mom. One of the girls gave me a pair of ice skates they had outgrown, so I got to take them home with me. (Another memory to post later.)
I was either 5 or 6 years old and I spent Christmas with my dad and his girlfriend's family in Chicago. I remember seeing the tall buildings and thinking it was like a city from the future. I got to go sledding a LOT because they had quite a bit of snow! I got a Snoopy watch and a little AM/FM battery operated transistor radio for Christmas, along with an afghan made by his girlfriend's mom. One of the girls gave me a pair of ice skates they had outgrown, so I got to take them home with me. (Another memory to post later.)
"firstborn's first words" memories...
Christmas Memories #8--
1st Christmas (circa 1995)...we had a little 4 foot tree up on a table because he
was walking and we decided not to get a new one until he was bigger. We
finished decorating the tree and I picked him up to see it and said
"Look, Nick, a Christmas tree, isn't it pretty?" He whispered
"Preeeee" was so sweet and melted my heart! His first word was
"pretty" as he looked at the Christmas tree for the first time! ♥
(I may have to dig out some old pics of that Christmas to add to this post when I get a chance!)
"christmas in cali" memories...
Christmas Memories #7--
Christmas in Cali with cute boys...
The Christmas my friend Tammy and I spent in Cali...we were greeted at the airport by Santa and Mrs. Claus (my dad and step-mom). We helped Santa and the local firemen pass out toys, and hung out with some amazingly cute firefighters' sons, who took us bowling another of the best Christmases from a teenagers point of view!
Christmas in Cali with cute boys...
The Christmas my friend Tammy and I spent in Cali...we were greeted at the airport by Santa and Mrs. Claus (my dad and step-mom). We helped Santa and the local firemen pass out toys, and hung out with some amazingly cute firefighters' sons, who took us bowling another of the best Christmases from a teenagers point of view!
"camping knife" memories...
Christmas Memories #6--
Every year we would go to Bronson, KS for Christmas and stay at my Aunt Geri's house. Santa always knew where to find us and filled our stockings with goodies there. The stocking always had an orange in the toe, some nuts, and then other gifts/toys.
I can't remember many of the gifts, but the one I remember being super excited about was the multi-purpose pocket knife that had a fork on one side and a spoon on the other! (I was in Girl Scouts and it was perfect for using when camping.)
It's funny how we remember (and appreciate) the small the oranges in the toe of the stockings. (and now I live in FL where we can pick fresh oranges off of the trees for Christmas)
Every year we would go to Bronson, KS for Christmas and stay at my Aunt Geri's house. Santa always knew where to find us and filled our stockings with goodies there. The stocking always had an orange in the toe, some nuts, and then other gifts/toys.
I can't remember many of the gifts, but the one I remember being super excited about was the multi-purpose pocket knife that had a fork on one side and a spoon on the other! (I was in Girl Scouts and it was perfect for using when camping.)
It's funny how we remember (and appreciate) the small the oranges in the toe of the stockings. (and now I live in FL where we can pick fresh oranges off of the trees for Christmas)
"christmas candy" memories
Christmas Memories #5--
Making candy and snow ice cream at Grandma Frame's. We would make Mexican candy, hard peppermint and cinnamon candy, taffy (SO much fun to pull!!!), peanut brittle, fudges (chocolate AND peanut butter) and little cream cheese mints (that you form with little rubber candy molds). She put me to work when I was there, but I have so many amazing memories (and skills---cooking, baking, sewing, latch hook, garden/plant skills) from hanging out at her house so often!
Making candy and snow ice cream at Grandma Frame's. We would make Mexican candy, hard peppermint and cinnamon candy, taffy (SO much fun to pull!!!), peanut brittle, fudges (chocolate AND peanut butter) and little cream cheese mints (that you form with little rubber candy molds). She put me to work when I was there, but I have so many amazing memories (and skills---cooking, baking, sewing, latch hook, garden/plant skills) from hanging out at her house so often!
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Grandma's "Mexican Candy"...a yearly "must have" confection! |
"green tomato pickles" memories...
Christmas Memories #4--
One of my favorite stories to tell is about the Christmas my hubby went home to Kansas with me to meet my parents (and ask for their blessing to propose) and the rest of our family. The poor guy was overwhelmed with my crazy big family, asked how to make sweet tea (really???), and found himself playing basketball with my cousin-in-law and future cousin-in-law.
But the part I love to tell is about Grandma Frame's homemade pickles that Mom served with dinner one evening. Hubby ate some and said they were REALLY good...and I had the overwhelmingly joyous opportunity to inform him that they were my grandma's "green tomato pickles". At that point he made a face and refused to eat any more of them...he hates tomatoes! (It was classic!) :D LOL (Love you, honey!)
But the
Boy, what I wouldn't do to have a jar of those pickles to serve with Christmas dinner this year! They were SO good! (Anyone have the recipe?)
One of my favorite stories to tell is about the Christmas my hubby went home to Kansas with me to meet my parents (and ask for their blessing to propose) and the rest of our family. The poor guy was overwhelmed with my crazy big family, asked how to make sweet tea (really???), and found himself playing basketball with my cousin-in-law and future cousin-in-law.
But the part I love to tell is about Grandma Frame's homemade pickles that Mom served with dinner one evening. Hubby ate some and said they were REALLY good...and I had the overwhelmingly joyous opportunity to inform him that they were my grandma's "green tomato pickles". At that point he made a face and refused to eat any more of them...he hates tomatoes! (It was classic!) :D LOL (Love you, honey!)
But the
Boy, what I wouldn't do to have a jar of those pickles to serve with Christmas dinner this year! They were SO good! (Anyone have the recipe?)
I think it's time to peruse through Grandma's recipe box and see if I can find it!!!
"little house on the prairie" memories...
Christmas Memories #3--
One of the best, most-used gifts I ever received (this one was from my Grandma Corky)...the boxed set of Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" book series. I was so excited to get them! I used to read them at least once a year... I think I'm going to read them over Christmas break, it's been awhile.
The pages are worn and "crunchy" and have gone unread for several years. I can't wait to get my hands on them and read through them once again in a few weeks!
One of the best, most-used gifts I ever received (this one was from my Grandma Corky)...the boxed set of Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House" book series. I was so excited to get them! I used to read them at least once a year... I think I'm going to read them over Christmas break, it's been awhile.
The pages are worn and "crunchy" and have gone unread for several years. I can't wait to get my hands on them and read through them once again in a few weeks!
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