another record was broken...the tree was up with lights on it on thanksgiving evening. (we usually put the tree together so late at night that i end up putting on the lights the next evening, and then we end up decorating on a third evening...making it sunday night at the earliest before it's completely finished.) part two of that record was broken too, it's fully decorated and it's only friday afternoon!!! we're way ahead of schedule! now i can enjoy the rest of my weekend off!
now back to black friday...
i ended up not going to bed at all last night! i was going to but i got sidetracked doing a couple of things and time got away from me. i woke up elisabeth at 3:30, she threw on her clothes and we headed out. we went to target first and it was a total mad house! we grabbed some hot chocolate and a white chocolate peppermint mocha latte at starbucks on the way out the door. next we headed over to walmart. after one super quick stop back at target (forgot something), we went to jcpenney's. i am now the proud owner of a coffee maker (mine got so clogged up that it wouldn't work at all a few weeks was pure torture to go without it!) and a toaster (which we haven't had since the move back in may). these are both actually better than the ones we had and once i get my mail-in rebates, they're $10 each (usually $40ish or so)!
and just to verify the ridiculousness of some people, here's a pic of what we saw on the way out of penney's...

...that's just as silly as the woman wearing 4"+ heels in line at target!!!
people watching is 95% of the fun of black friday...most definitely!
my facebook status this afternoon: Thanksgiving cooking, toddler singing "Happy Birthday" over the phone to grandma (when he heard us say "Happy Thanksgiving"), shopping with my daughter, naps...and the Christmas tree fully decorated!
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