getting inked

i finally came up with the inspiration for a tat, now i have to figure out where i want foot, my ankle, my shoulder...

i've decided to get a tattoo in memory of my sisters. i want a single yellow victorian rose bud (in memory of my grandmother pittam) with two colorful victorian butterflies (one for each sister) flying around it. i have no idea what it could cost, so i guess it's time to get started on drawing it up and then seeing what the estimated cost might be. i would love to do this on one of the ink shows, thinking of drafting an email to apply for it.

this could be pretty cool. going to sketch up a drawing of it soon, stay tuned!

really looking forward to some things i've got in the works. it's amazing how quickly the creative juices are flowing, but yet there's not enough time (or quiet) to follow through on them all. trying to take notes and get organized...

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